Friday, February 4, 2011

a difference of opinion

Olaf and I had a very restless night and awoke looking as if we had been fighting in bed.  Olaf was particularly grumpy as he was not looking forward to going back to the UK and cold weather, even though he had not managed to get a tan!

As we got up to start the day, Olaf was looking particularly furtive and was casting glances towards the safe, where themselves kept the money and passports.

I laughed to myself, as themselves were considerably larger than us and there was no way themselves would let Olaf look after either the money or the passports.  Themselves knew the combination, which they had cleverly managed to hide from us throughout our time in the hotel.

Suddenly themselves were not laughing, for Olaf had a gun and was pointing it straight at them!  In mortal danger, themselves were unsure as to what to do.....

Unbeknownst to themselves, my day job in the UK is as an undercover cop.  I overpowered Olaf, cuffed him, showed him my badge and then radioed for assistance.

The question is, will Olaf be arrested, charged and released in time for the flight home???????? 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

the better part of town

As you can tell from the photographs below, themselves decided that they would go further afield for shopping today.

There were lots of gentlmens clubs along the route, but strangely no ladies clubs.  Themselves did not see fit to explain why to us!

Though themselves needed fuel, they did not stop here.   We were relieved, for there were lots of bags in the 'trunk' and we feared that themselves may have to pawn us to pay for the fuel!

Oskar was most relieved that themselves did not stop at this shop for some wares!

The number of bags indicated that a stop here may have been needed though!!! 

But as the above photo proves, we're made of tough stuff and did not worry about the todays venture into the unknown! 

We ended the day at Tony Roma's for a spot of dinner, then back to the hotel to relax for the evening and watch The Weather Channel whilst themselves sorted their shopping (though Little House on the Prairie has been popular, along with NCIS and Criminal Minds). 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

some Islands of Adventure - apparently!

Oskar & I decided that we would check out the height restrictions before entering the park.  It wasn't looking good, but themselves insisted that we would enjoy the day!!

It was true - we found plenty of unusual things to climb up and view the surrounding areas - a very odd land it was too

We discovered a simply marvellous sweetie shop - we tried to sneak upstairs and away from themselves but Olaf and I were too excited to be discreet and got caught before we could make good our getaway!

Olaf and I were having a great time - though themselves, at this time, were not.  They had been on a water-rapid ride and were very, very wet!  Tehehe

Themselves then took us somewhere somewhat more sinister.  Olaf was very scared and hid behind my back.  Something about wizards and the sort had him frightened....

Because of Olafs' cowardice, neither of us were allowed on the new Harry Potter ride - grrrr

Trying to show off his muscles later did not make me forget about the quivering wreck that he had been before!!!!

We are left wondering, what are themselves off to do next - and will they inflict the same fate on us???

a delayed blog from yesterday

Olaf and I must apologise for the delay in posting this blog .... themselves decided to spend the day at SeaWorld.  Our friend, Shamu, was very pleased to see us!

We took in all the sights, including the tropical fish and corals

And the stingrays, where we opted NOT to don our wetsuits for a swim with them!  They looked a tad hungry and we are currently unsure as to what their diet consists of.....

We had to hang around for a while as themselves decided to go on Manta (, a new ride which our vertically challenged selves could not enjoy

Luckily for all concerned, Clyde & Seamore show more than made up for our missing out on the ride, and that this attraction certainly was not so discriminatory towards those of shorter stature!